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Dear Member of the Swiss polar and high-altitude science community,

Here are the latest SPI news and upcoming activities. We wish you a good read!

The SPI Team


Latest news

Our Institute's 2022 Annual Report is out. Access the online version to explore our funding schemes, Flagship Initiatives, services, international and national collaboration, outreach programmes.

SPI Annual Report 2022 Cover page

Photo credit: © 2022, Fabienne Meier, all rights reserved

Access the full report

On 20 April in Nuuk, Greenland, a signing ceremony between the Swiss Polar Institute and the Greenland Research Council ushered in a new chapter in the collaboration between Greenland and Switzerland at the service of climate.

Group photo

From left to right: NIS Vice-Chair Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen, NIS Chair Josephine Nymand, Madam Ambassador Florence Tinguely Mattli (Embassy of Switzerland in Denmark), SPI Executive Director Danièle Rod, NIS Secretary Maliina Jensen, Prof. Jürg Schweizer (Director SLF Davos), Deputy Head of Mission / Science Councilor Kaspar Grossenbacher (Embassy of Switzerland in Denmark).

Photo credit: © SPI, CC BY 4.0

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On 13 April 2023 in Montréal, during the scientific and economic mission of Swiss Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin to Canada, the Swiss Polar Institute (SPI), Université Laval (ULaval) and the Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) signed an MoU, a substantial development towards new avenues of collaboration opportunities between the Swiss and Canadian polar and high-altitude science communities. A successful joint info event was held on 25 April to present this new partnership to the polar science communities from Québec and Switzerland.

Tweet by Swiss Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin

SPI, ULaval and INQ sign the memorandum of understanding in the presence of Swiss Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin.

Picture credit: © Swiss Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin's Twitter account, all rights reserved

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The video of our recent event on the environmental impact of fieldwork, with inspiring contributions from Susana Hancock (Arctic Basecamp), Pjotr Elshout (European Polar Board), Michael Lehning (WSL, EPFL) and Yannick Fagon (IPEV) is now available on our YouTube channel.

YouTube Thumbnail picture

Photo credit: © Giovanna Ceppi, all rights reserved

Watch the video

This year’s Prix de Quervain awards students and early-career scientists for their research conducted in, or concerning high-altitude regions. The funding organisations are the Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research (SKPH), the Commission for the Research Station on Jungfraujoch (SKJF) and the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research (SFAR). The call is open until 31 May 2023 and we invite you to visit the dedicated web page for additional information.

Prix de Quervain Banner

Picture credit: © Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research, all rights reserved

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Upcoming events

As part of this year’s Pint of Science Festival, join us at La Cabine in Sion for an exciting discussion in a convivial atmosphere with Prof. Jérôme Chappellaz (EPFL Valais-Wallis) and Danièle Rod (Swiss Polar Institute), about the importance of polar research for the understanding of climate, its links with the Alps and Switzerland’s unique contribution to this field. The event is free of charge. As the places are limited, booking is highly recommended.

Pint of Science Valais 2023 programme

Picture credit: © Pint of Science Festival, all rights reserved

To the event page

This year’s gathering of the Swiss polar science community will take place on 15 September in the Alpole building, our new home base in Sion. The highlights include keynotes from Jan Schmutz (University of Zurich) on what makes an effective polar team, Ruzica Dadic (WSL) on how snow influences sea ice, a presentation on international collaboration opportunities with Japan and Canada, as well as visits to various labs, a lunch and a networking drink. The registrations are now open if you wish to attend and/or present an update of your latest fieldwork. As seats are limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, register quickly to secure your space.

Swiss Polar Day 2023 Poster image

Photo credit: © Thomas Stastny, all rights reserved

To the event page

Scientific workshop with the Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI)  06.12.2023, Bremerhaven (D)

For the upcoming scientific workshop with AWI, we are currently identifying relevant topics and we would gladly receive suggestions from the Swiss polar research community. If you wish to share your ideas about the relevant fields for this workshop, please send an email to our Secretariat. 

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Calls for proposals

We are pleased to announce the 2023 grantees of our Polar Access Fund for junior researchers!

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The SPI Exploratory Grants support Swiss based scientists active in polar and remote high-altitude regions by allowing them to launch short-term new ideas, fund additional fieldwork or launch new collaborations with financial support for logistics. Collaboration with new teams or across disciplines are particularly encouraged, as well as participation in larger/international activities. The call will open mid-August and remain open for two months.

To the call

The SPI Technogrants support Swiss groups developing technologies relevant for research in polar regions and other extreme environments such as remote high-altitude regions. Technogrants can also serve the improvement and adaptation of technologies to extreme environments or support new technological developments to be used in the field for polar or remote high-altitude research. The call will open mid-August and remain open for two months.

To the call

Enabling students and early career researchers to acquire adequate training and experience that will serve them first hand during their research in remote polar and high-altitude areas is an essential part of our services. We contribute to the cost related to the participation in field schools and training programmes.

To the webpage & list of eligible programmes
Read about the experience of previous participants


Subscribe to the Swiss Polar Class newsletter to stay up-to-date with our free educational programme for Swiss schools and a rich array of activities, events and teaching modules.

Swiss Polar Class illustration

Picture credit: © Swiss Polar Class, all rights reserved

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Our Fieldnotes page is entirely dedicated to SPI funding recipients’ field experiences and impressions. Each blog offers unique insight on fieldwork, revealing the personal dimension of scientific research in a tangible way. Discover the latest posts:

Céline Ducret – Nonlinear thoughts / Kyzylsu, Tajikistan, September 2022

Nazimul Islam – Dendrochronological fieldwork in the Eastern Himalayas to understand changes to water resources and natural hazards in the context of climate change

Marin Kneib – Historical Archives to monitor long-Term evolution of HImalayan debris-covered glaciers (HATHI)

Landscape picture by Céline Ducret

Photo credit: © Céline Ducret, all rights reserved

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