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Dear Member of the Swiss polar and high-altitude science community,

Here are the latest SPI news and upcoming activities, as well as outreach events and news from our network. We wish you a good read!

The SPI Team


Scientist on a cliff above a glacier retrieving GPS data

Photo credit: © 2023 Raphael Moser, all rights reserved

Latest SPI news

From September to November 2023, the Swiss Polar Institute carried out a survey to gather the views of the Swiss polar and high-altitude science community on the environmental footprint of their research and on existing best practices and measures.

The results indicate that the categories with the highest footprint also have the highest potential for improvement.

Participants completing the survey during the Swiss Polar Day

Participants completing the survey during the Swiss Polar Day. Photo credit: © 2023 Swiss Polar Institute

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Open calls

Field and Summer Schools photograph by Anouk Volery

Photo credit: © Anouk Volery, all rights reserved

SPI contributes to the cost related to the participation in field schools and training programmes to enable students and early-career scientists affiliated to a Swiss academic or research institution to acquire specialised experience and knowledge.

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To the testimonials

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All our spring and summer training courses are fully booked. Our next available training opportunity in collaboration with GRIMM:

Health and safety training for fieldwork

8-9 November 2024

A two-day course addressing the needs of scientific groups for first aid in the field focuses on the special conditions encountered in cold and remote regions. The course offers an overview of existing medical support solutions in polar and remote high-altitude environments including an introduction to telemedicine services, customised field medical kits, as well as basic first aid practices.

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Fondation Tara Océan logo

© Fondation Tara Océan, all rights reserved

On 26 February, the SPI and the Fondation TARA OCÉAN will meet to discuss collaboration opportunities and sign a Memorandum of Understanding. The detailed programme is available on the event webpage.

If you are interested in attending online or in person, please click on the button below to register.

Logo of AWI and SPI with polar landscape in the background

© AWI/ SPI, all rights reserved

The workshop intends to built on existing synergies and foster new collaboration between AWI and Swiss-based scientists working in both Antarctic and Arctic regions. Additionally, we hope to discuss collaboration with regards to future large-scale projects in Antarctica, such as Antarctica InSync or Rings.

All scientists with an interest in polar regions are invited to participate in the event and we particularly invite ECRs and researchers with no existing collaborations with AWI-based researchers.


Vendée Globe 2024: Ocean racing & data collection 4 March @ University of Bern & ETH Zurich

On this occasion, the Swiss professional sailor Oliver Heer will present his project: while racing in the Vendée Globe 2024 and navigating around Antarctica, he will be collecting forefront environmental data. The project is part of a collaboration with the Swiss Polar Institute, which has brought together a group of experts from UNIBE, UNIL, and ETH Zurich for data analysis. This new data collection could lead to unprecedented information on the Southern Ocean and aims towards a better understanding of climate change, its impact on oceans and on the global scale.

Join us for the events to discover more about this inspiring project and its initiator, Oliver Heer. The events will also feature presentations by Prof. Thomas Frölicher at University of Bern and Prof. Nicolas Gruber at ETH Zurich.

Oliver Heer's IMOCA

Photo credit: © Oliver Heer Ocean Racing, all rights reserved

@University of Bern9:00 am - 11:00 am, ExWI building, Room B6, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern

@ETH Zurich2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Room P12, Building CHN, Universitätstrasse 16, ETH Zurich

Free admission, no registration required.

News from our network

Horizon Europe framework programme calls

Swiss entities can participate in most Horizon Europe calls. The following may be of interest:

Participation and empowerment of Arctic coastal, local, and indigenous communities in environmental decision-making. The deadline for submission is 22 February 2024.

Inland ice, including snow cover, glaciers, ice sheets and permafrost, and their interaction with climate change. The deadline for submission is 5 March 2024.


After feedback from researchers and other community members, the Polar Federated Search has a new name "Polar Data Search" and slogan "Collaborating to make polar data FAIR". The portal was created to aid researchers, stakeholders, and rights holders who are looking for polar meta(data). The Polar Data Search (Formerly POLDER Polar Federated Search) is an amalgamation of 23 (and growing) multidisciplinary repositories that host some form of polar data, which are then indexed into a single search interface. Research datasets that are available through the Polar Data Search encompass many different types of observations including but are not limited to weather station records, human written stories, organism counts, and instrument cruises.


The call to submit session proposals to the 2nd edition of the European Polar Science Week (EPSW) on 3-6 September 2024 in Copenhagen is now open. These sessions will be used to shape the oral programme of the EPSW. A call for posters will be issued in the coming weeks. 

Submission deadline: 15 March 2024

Logo Prix de Quervain 2024 for polar research

© SKPH, all rights reserved

This year's Prix de Quervain will be awarded for work on topics relating to the two polar regions. Named after the Swiss Arctic researcher Alfred de Quervain (1879-1927), this prize honours young scientists for outstanding MA, PhD or Postdoc works. The award ceremony will take place in autumn, where the prize winners present their award-winning work.

Submission deadline: 30 April 2024



Our Fieldnotes page is entirely dedicated to SPI funding recipients’ field experiences and impressions. Each blog offers unique insight on fieldwork, revealing the personal dimension of scientific research in a tangible way. Discover the latest posts:

Thomas Pilgrim – Latent Cardiac Arrhythmia in Climbers on Mount Everest

Jane Walden – Dreaming of fieldwork: Portage Glacier, USA, Summer 2023

Maëlle Cornut – Artistic sampling

Mont Miné Glacier near Ferpècle, Valais, 2023

Photo credit: © Maëlle Cornut, all rights reserved

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The upcoming "Ask a scientist" online events with the Swiss Polar Class will take place in May :

Frag die Polarforscherin with Michaela Muehl (University of Bern)

Rencontre avec une scientifique polaire with Anouk Volery (University of Fribourg)

More information and registrations are available on the Swiss Polar Class webpage.


Swiss Polar Class Ask a scientist drawing

Photo credit: © Swiss Polar Class

Intertwined Destinies 24 February @ Salle de Cinéma, Évolène

Save the date for the presentation of "Intertwined Destinies", a PolARTS art-science project on the Mont Miné Glacier and its impact on Ferpècle's biodiversity.

The project and results will be presented by Dr Gianalberto Losapio and doctoral student Nora Khelidj from the Biodiversity Change Group at the University of Lausanne, and visual artist and researcher Maëlle Cornut.

Mont Miné Glacier near Ferpècle, Valais, 2023

Photo credit: © Maëlle Cornut, all rights reserved

To the event page

Flagship Initiatives – Latest news

To stay-up-to-date with the latest news about the Flagship Initiatives, their dedicated websites, GreenFjord and PAMIR, offer a host of information about the projects, their latest updates and social media feeds.

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