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Dear Member of the Swiss polar and high-altitude science community,

Here are the latest SPI news and upcoming activities. We wish you a good read!

The SPI Team


Latest SPI news

Aiming to maximise the sustainability of its activities and take steps towards reducing the carbon footprint of polar and high-altitude science, the SPI has launched a survey to gather the views of the Swiss polar and high-altitude research community. The answers will feed discussions within the SPI Science and Technology Advisory Board and contribute to the shaping of forthcoming SPI activities. Collected anonymously, answers will be aggregated, and a summary will be published in early 2024.

The completion of the survey only takes 10-15 minutes. Many thanks for your time and contributions!

The first edition of the Swiss Polar Class Festival will take place in Sion (VS) on 2 December. Destined to families and all who are curious about polar regions, the festival features activities for all ages. In partnership with EPFL Valais-Wallis, Energypolis Campus and the Canton of Valais, the event is organised by Swiss Polar Institute’s outreach programme which mission is to raise awareness on the importance of scientific research and polar and high-altitude regions in understanding climate change. We look forward to welcoming you in Alpole!

Swiss Polar Class Festival logo

Illustration credit: © Swiss Polar Class, all rights reserved

Read more & register

Our projects webpage is now optimised with links to publications and datasets. Each project can now display hyperlink lists of publications and datasets with direct access.

Swiss Polar Day – Thank you

We wish to thank all participants and speakers for the vibrant exchange during the latest edition of the Swiss Polar Day. The highlights, photos and presentations are accessible on the event page. We look forward to next year!

Swiss Polar Day 2023

Photo credt: © Swiss Polar Institute, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Calls for proposals

Aiming to intensify collaboration and networking between Swiss and Australian polar and high-altitude science communities, the 2nd call for proposals for the Mertz Fellowship is closing soon. It is dedicated to PhD students and ECRs (maximum 5 years after the PhD award at the time of the proposal submission) based in Switzerland or Australia. The fellowship supports their active involvement in polar and high-altitude research through short-term exchange visits and joint projects.

The deadline for submission is 31 October 2023, 11:00pm (CET).

To the call

A joint initiative of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and the Swiss Polar Institute, PolARTS opens a space for new collaborative and explorative practices between the arts and science and supports the processes of transdisciplinary cooperation. For more information about the call, the criteria and the conditions, please visit the dedicated webpage.

An online info-event will kick-start this year’s edition on 16 November and provide all the necessary information.

To the call
To the event

Polar Access Fund – Call opens mid-November

With early-career researchers in mind, the Polar Access Fund aims to facilitate a (first) field trip to a polar region or a remote high-altitude area. The research conducted during the field trip must be inserted into an existing overarching project (e.g. to enlarge its scope or for comparisons) and be related to the issue of climate change. The call will be launched mid-November and will stay open for two months.

To the call

Field & Summer Schools for ECRs – Application always open

SPI contributes to the cost related to the participation in field schools and training programmes to enable students and early-career scientists affiliated to a Swiss academic or research institution to acquire specialised experience and knowledge.

Learn more & apply
To the testimonials

GRIMM Logo © GRIMM, all rights reserved

In collaboration with GRIMM, two different courses are available:

Health and safety training for fieldwork

22-23 March 2024

A two-day course addressing the needs of scientific groups for first aid in the field focuses on the special conditions encountered in cold and remote regions. The course offers an overview of existing medical support solutions in polar and remote high-altitude environments including an introduction to telemedicine services, customised field medical kits, as well as basic first aid practices.

Learn more & Contact us
Photo in situ of the course for glaciated terrain

Training course for glaciated terrain © 2023 Samuel Owen, all rights reserved

Training course for glaciated terrain

13-15 June 2024

This training course addresses the needs of scientific groups working in glaciated terrain. They provide an introduction to basic technical skills for fieldwork on glaciers. The three-day course is training-oriented and takes place outdoors – bivouacking included. Teaching will be provided in an alpine environment in the canton of Valais at high altitude.

Learn more & Contact us

PolARTS – Digital info event 16.11.2023, online

The Swiss Polar Institute and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia co-organise an online info event in view of participating in the PolARTS call for proposals 2023 (currently open). This event serves to provide information on the goal of the call and the procedure. It is also an opportunity for artists and scientists to meet potential tandem partners.

Pro Helvetia image Jean-Vincent Simonet

Photo credit: © Jean-Vincent Simonet, all rights reserved

To the event page

This year’s Prix de Quervain was awarded to Marin Kneib for his PhD Contribution of ice cliffs to the melt of debris-covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia at ETH Zurich / WSL. The Prix de Quervain for Polar and High-Altitude Research is attributed to early-career scientists for outstanding achievements in their MA or PhD thesis, or other research projects. The Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research awards the prize together with the Swiss Commission of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch and the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research.

Alfred de Quervain

Picture credit: Alfred de Quervain. © ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Public Domain

To the event page

Swiss Polar Class Festival  02.12.2023, Sion

Part of the SPI’s outreach programme and destined to all who are curious about polar regions, the festival features activities for all ages: Treasure hunt – Expedition game – Science exhibition – Creative workshops – Drawing workshop – Student area – Screenings of polar films – Arctic art exhibition – Polar library – Icy Cordial Bar – Tales from the cold (in French only) – Live conference from Antarctica (in French only).

Free of charge, registration mandatory.

Swiss Polar Class Festival

Illustration credit: © Swiss Polar Class, all rights reserved

Secure your e-tickets here

News from our network

A research collective of female PhD students and APECS members from Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Australia, and the UK are working together on a review article on this topic as part of a collaboration between the journal PLOS Climate with members of APECS. Their article will identify recent developments and critical points of action in this area and propose strategies to improve the experiences of women in polar fieldwork. Your taking part would help gather empirical evidence on the polar fieldwork experience of researchers who identify as women.

Filling in the survey takes about 5 to 15 minutes and will be completely anonymous. Thank you in advance!


Antarctic wildlife at heightened risk of avian flu outbreaks

SCAR, the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP), the Committee for Environment Protection (CEP) and the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) are concerned about the heightened risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreaks in Antarctica in the 2023/24 season and the devastating impacts it could have on the region’s unique wildlife. A new paper published by the SCAR Antarctic Wildlife Health Network (AWHN) explains that heightened risk. The AWHN has provided extensive guidelines and recommendations for enhanced biosecurity, surveillance and monitoring for the scientific and tourism community.


As an inaugural Mertz Fellow, Dr Amy Macfarlane will spend three months working with Australian Antarctic Division sea-ice scientist Dr Petra Heil examining the reflective properties of snow-covered sea ice.

Read the article by the Australian Antarctic Division:

Photo credit: © Simon Payne/Australian Antarctic Division

Science and sailing to collect environmental data

The Swiss Polar Institute is collaborating with offshore sailing team Oliver Heer Ocean Racing to collect environmental data during both the training and racing phases of the Vendée Globe challenge between 2023 and 2025. The sailing team is set to compete in the upcoming edition of the Transat Jaques Vabre (TJV) starting on Sunday 29 October. Onboard, the team carries water sampling equipment provided by the Swiss Polar Institute which will be used to capture information on various metrics, such as salinity, temperature and dissolved CO2 concentrations from remote locations along the race route. 


Picture credit: © Hartas Productions, all rights reserved



Our Fieldnotes page is entirely dedicated to SPI funding recipients’ field experiences and impressions. Each blog offers unique insight on fieldwork, revealing the personal dimension of scientific research in a tangible way. Discover the latest posts:

Peter GallinelliHydro-Kite CTD-probe: field trials in the Alps and in Lyse Fjord

Tiia Määttä – Investigating the roots of methane: how does permafrost thaw alter peatland methane cycling?

Annabel Payne – Investigating the Canadian Arctic Ocean: Circulation sources, pathways and timescales

Landscape picture by Céline Ducret

Photo credit: © Annabel Payne, all rights reserved

Read more

Flagship Initiatives – Latest news

To stay-up-to-date with the latest news about the Flagship Initiatives, their dedicated websites, GreenFjord and PAMIR, offer a host of information about the projects, their latest updates and social media feeds.


GreenFjord logoPamir logo